As management consultants, our passion is to provide stakeholders with the information for making their organizations run more smoothly, efficiently and effectively. We provide you with objective advice no matter what stage your business is at: from start-ups to decades-old companies.
But simply dictating changes to processes and updating technology doesn’t solve the problem.
The people within your organization need to be willing to change with the company. Systems and processes are just tools and pieces: if people refuse to accept them, they won’t work.
Adapt the processes and new systems to the people who work for you, or making changes to processes or implementing new technologies will fail every time.
A great company needs to worry about their people first. Great companies get their people bought into the change, helping them to become key stakeholders in the process.
As John Maxwell says, “People who weigh in, buy in.” Understanding how people adapt to change will help your business become stronger.
A great tool for doing this is the Kübler-Ross change curve. This chart maps the stages that people go through in order to become fully integrated into the change: shock, denial, frustration, depression, experiment, decision and integration. Realizing that the people in your organization will be going through these steps will help you work with them to make sure the change process is managed smoothly.
And you’re not just helping them integrate into your company’s new systems and processes: you’re providing them with tangible skills and tools that they will retain and utilize for their career.